Bingo Card Generator
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Virtual Bingo is available now!

Bingo is easy to learn to play. Students of all ages can learn Chinese characters and words by playing Bingo! This tool is created for Chinese teachers and parents to quickly generate custom Bingo cards and randomized call sheets with their own Chinese characters and words. You can save both custom Bingo board designs and your word lists to our secure server for future use.

Bingo Card Generation Settings  Last-used  Reset

Paper size:     Letter (8.5 X 11 inch)    A4 (210 X 297 mm)
Card Size:     One card per page     Two cards per page     Four cards per page
Card Type:     3 X 3 squares     4 X 4 squares     5 X 5 squares
The center square is a free spot and print on the center square.
Print card cut lines when there are more than one card per page.
Card Style:     Text only     Picture with optional text
Text Only Options:
Print Chinese on the Bingo cards.
Print Pinyin above the Chinese character or word.
Print definition below the Chinese character or word.

Print Pinyin and English on the Bingo call sheet.
Card Header:            
Each run generates cards.
Phonetic notation on the Bingo cards:     Pinyin     Bopomofo (Zhuyin)
Chinese Font:     Kaiti     LiSu    Xingkai    Youyuan    Hupo    Caiyun    Songti
Chinese Font Size:
Pinyin Font Size:
English Font Size:
Chinese Color:       
Pinyin Color:          
English Color:        
Card Border Color:

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If you are a member of a group, click the Refresh button to show the lists of your group.

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U.S. Bingo cards are 5x5 squares. A minimum of 25 Chinese characters or words is required. This tool allows you to create custom 3X3 (minimum 9 words) or 4X4(minimum 16 words) cards as well. For each entry in the word list, you must enter the Chinese character or word. Optionally you can add Pinyin and concise English definition. The Pinyin shows above the Chinese word while the definition will be displayed below the Chinese word. By default, only Chinese and Pinyin are displayed.

This bingo card maker is not just for learning Chinese, you can use this tool to generate traditional 5x5 number bingo cards or other educational bingo cards to support and reinforce lessons in mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, and just about any area of the curriculum! To generate traditional 5x5 number bingo cards, simply click the Generate Bingo Cards without entering anything. To create other educational game cards, simply enter your terms on the Chinese boxes and leave Pinyin and definition boxes blank. After that, click the Generate Bingo Cards button.

This tool supports both simplified and traditional Chinese characters. You can click the Pinyin button to populate the Pinyin for the characters automatically.

Once you sign in, the Bingo word lists you saved before are shown on the right side of the page. You can load them to re-generate a new set of Bingo cards.

To create a set of printable Bingo cards,
  1. Enter the title of the word list you are using to create the Bingo cards. The title is not required for generating Bingo cards, but an unique title is needed to save the word list to the server for future use.
  2. Enter the Chinese character or word. You can copy or paste Chinese text from other sources, such as web pages or word documents, or enter them using your faovorite Chinese Input Method Editor(IME).
  3. Optionally, enter the definition of the Chinese character or word in English (or your native language). You can click the E button to let the system fill in the definition for you if the Chinese is a single character or a commonly-used word. The Chinese word should not be more than 4 characters long.
  4. Optionally, click the P button to add Pinyin automatically. In the case there are multiple pronunciations for a particular character, the system will attempt to use the right one based on its context. In some cases, the user may have to edit it. Note Pinyin must be entered with tone numbers. When the Bingo card PDF file is generated, the system will convert them to tone marks. In addition, the Pinyin syllables must be separated by a blank space. Use v for ü, for example lv3 for lǚ, and number 5 for the neutral tone, e.g. ma5 (吗).
  5. Click the Add Rows button to add more word entries. For 5X5 cards, a minimum of 25 rows is required. Custom 3X3 and 4X4 cards need minimum 9 and 16 rows, respectively.
  6. Optionally, change the default Bingo card generation settings.
  7. Click the Generate Bingo Cards button to generate a set of Bingo cards.
  8. Optionally, click the Generate Call Sheets button to generate a randomized call sheet. You can print two copies of the call sheet, one for keeping track of the drawn numbers or words and the other one for making drawing pieces.
  9. Optionally, click the Save button to save the entered list to the server for future use.
Note that this site uses a pop-up window to display the generated Bingo cards. If your browser is configured to block pop-ups, you will need to allow and to open pop-ups.